Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's going to be a good day!

It's Tuesday after Labor Day weekend and like everyone else, Lindsay wasn't real thrilled with returning to "homework", her day program.  The normal routine of seeing Dad go to work on Monday morning and a day home with mom had been thrown off.  In true Lindsay fashion though, she got up with a smile, slowly got dressed, brushed her teeth, hugged Grr and gathered her purses, yes, purses, ready for the day!

Even for me, the day came early and having an extra day to relax was nice.  We were all slower this morning but no matter my mood, it changes when I open the door to the van and see it  full of happy faces! Always smiling and ready for their day too! There is Tim, (names have been changed for privacy purposes) who gets out and opens the door for Lindsay with a smile and tells me that "yep, I still have my girlfriend".  A big hand reaches out to shake mine every morning, and James asks me how I am doing and then tells me that he would really like to ask Lindsay out on a date, that I should think about it and more importantly, that it is 17 more days until he leaves for California and Disneyland.  He then adds that he has written a song and will put it on a CD!  I think I would really like to listen to that song. I didn't notice his knitting today, which he usually is working on diligently.  He tells me he hasn't decided what he is making yet though. :)

Then there is Tony who loves sports, always tells me what team wins and loses and asked if Lindsay could come spend the night sometime.  He told me another friend we know, a boy, did last weekend. I told him that it was nice of him to ask but Lindsay is a girl.  He promptly responded, "oh ya, no girls allowed"!

Lindsay gets in, passes by Cindy, who she knocks in the head with her arm full of purses.  Never a peep, just a smile and a sweet hello. I tell Lindsay I love her and will see her when she gets home.  She is more excited that we will go get Grr treats at the store later.  I look in to say goodbye to everyone else, and get waves for the day and I tell them to have a good day.  James jokingly tells me "maybe I will, maybe I won't", with a big smile and proud of his sense of humor.  I close the door and think to myself, "it's going to be a good day".  How could it not be, all of you have started mine off with a smile and chuckle to my heart.

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