Thanks for everyone checking in on Lindsay and her knee! Here is an update......
Thankfully, after the frustrating process of the MRI, the doctor was able to get one good image showing that she didn't have any damage to the knee but it did show some fluid around the area. He watched her walk around the office with no indication of severe pain or limping and after discussion, we have decided to take a step by step process.
First step, is to get blood work to see if anything else is going on. We belong to a Registry of parents and affected individuals with abnormalities of the 18th Chromosome. There are several abnormalities, of which Lindsay was diagnosed with 18P- (minus) Syndrome. It is a short deletion on the top arm of the 18th Chromosome. The slight deletion has affected her communication, learning and cognitive development. Others who have 18P- sometimes have more of the Chromosome missing, which involves many more physical ailments, for which we are grateful that Lindsay doesn't have. The Registry is called Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society and they continue to study the development, life and medical aspects of those who have these chromosome abnormalities. One area of interest is the possibility that those who have what Lindsay has may be subject to an early onset of arthritis. So, this may be something that may be shown in blood work.
Second, we are going to continue our routine of wearing her knee brace, icing the knee a few times a day and we report back in a few weeks. Lindsay rather likes her knee brace, it has become an accessory that she enjoys and doesn't mind sitting on the couch with her feet up, while her knee of being iced either! :)
We will keep you posted!
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