Monday, August 9, 2010

Lindsay Language is contagious!

Despite Lindsay's Chromosome deficiency,which has impacted her learning and language developement, she has no problem communicating!!

Lindsay has great receptive language and understands more than we think she does! Her verbal skills, however are limited to approximately 80 words BUT, she has some words that she has created that have meaning to her, that we call Lindsay Language.

From Taylor's friends, our friends and family, alike, her use of words and the way she says them, are contagious! If you have spent time around us, seen posts on facebook to friends or know Lindsay, you know what I am talking about. Her are some translations:

"BOBBY" - her reference to boys. ie: "Hi Bobby", which she says to her brother, Taylor or to any other boy for that matter!

"CONNIE" - her reference to girls. ie: "Hi Connie", even though it might be my sister, Wendi she is talking to. Girls are Connie's and boys are Bobby's.

"MECUR" - her medicine. ie: "I need my mecur"

"POR" - gas, money, bank, post office. ie: "get your por, mom" meaning get your gas, get your money, get your mail, etc.

"CACA" - sounds bad :) but means coffee! "You want caca, Mom?"

"YOURS ON" - meaning a tv show is on she knows we watch, like Oprah or baseball!

"I FEW" - I am cold, I am hot. You have to guess whether it is cold or hot outside to know which one she is!

"PUT PUT ON" - Put on a bandaid, put on lotion, put on jewelry, etc.

"GET GET YOURS" - a reminder to go get your.....glasses, book, purse, etc. She is our reminder! Tell her once to remind you to do something, you won't hear the end of it until you get 'er done!

"BOO" - her word for beer, butts and boobs and underwear! ie: "You want boo, dad?" or
"Oh, mom, your boo" meaning one of those other three are showing! :)

"SHE-SHE" - her grandmothers names are Shirley and Shirlee, so she calls them Sheshe.

In addition, there are her phrases she uses which most would understand, it is in her delivery that they become contagious. Such as, "you home?", "call your mom", "I want one of those","I want to go to the store!","I want pop!","I want my Bobby (brother)home" and a favorite of most, "you hot!". A favorite memory is when we invited new friends for dinner and Lindsay obviously liked one of them, pointed and said, "you hot"! She doesn't waste any time! When we are golfing, we love to have her keep our score. Walking off the green, she will say "you have 4 mom?" and I say, "I wish".

Even Lindsay has a cuss word too! I do want to say, we don't use the word that sounds like it in our house but after seeing the movie, The Fockers, she picked up that one! And she uses it appropriately too! Quite funny at first, we try to discourage that one!

I'd like to share a letter Lindsay got in the mail from a friend of ours. She was so excited to open the envelope and the letter reinforced to us, that Lindsay touches lives and so does her language!

"My dearest Lindsay,
Here's to all "hot Bobby's and Connie's". I love all those "fockers"! And here's to full tanks of "por". Not to mention, "give me 8" is way better than "10". I love when you give me "4" on the links. You're a great caddie.
I did "call my mom" today. I remembered to do that thanks to you! Tell "She-she" hi.
I think I need a "boo".
I love you and may God continue to bless you. You are wonderful gift from God to me and my family.
Love Lisa and all my Bobby's"

Jer and I smile when we hear Lindsay Language! It is one thing you won't mind catching!
Have a great day!

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