Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"If you do not bend, life will bend you"

We will often tell people that as much as we would want things to be different for Lindsay, she has been a blessing and has taught us many things and  helped us to be more patient and definitely more flexible. A reminder of that was evident to me this morning.

All of us were ready for our day.  Jerry was off to work with a webinar meeting, Lindsay had her lunch box and purses :) and was waiting for her ride to day program and I was ready to go to Hospice and then a lunch date with a friend. Then, comes a seizure and in an instant, our day changed. Lindsay would be staying home.

Every morning I read a daily thought from The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo and it is amazing that on some days, the quote or daily awakening seems so appropriate for my day. Today's thought was about humility and the "profound bow". After knowing everything I had planned for the day would now be changing, I immiediately thought about what I had just read earlier with my morning coffee. I could have been all stressed out and irritated about our changing plans, wanting "my plans" to be the "most important" and maybe I was for a little bit but knew that if I didn't take a deep breathe and bend, life would bend for me.

The great thing is that Jerry was willing to bend for me, re-arranging his day if need be and we were able to work things out all around. So much easier to bend and be flexible!

Grr, on the other hand, is still starring at me, wanting her morning walk though!

1 comment:

  1. Kelli -- so difficult --wish you and Lindsay didn't have to go through that! The good news ---she was safe at home. Yes, life demands that we be flexible. I think of the people I interact with each day and the ones that are "flexible" are much happier! Hugs and kisses to you and Lindsay!
