Thursday, April 7, 2011


If you know Lindsay, you know she loves her Band-Aids! A friend of my sister, who knows Lindsay's love for the little band of comfort, shared with me a poem written by Shel Silverstein from his book Where the Sidewalk Ends.  I thought it was perfect to share with you about her adoration of this "flexible fabric"!

By Shel Silverstein

I have a Band-Aid on my finger,
One on my knee, and one on my nose,
One on my heel, and two on my shoulder,
Three on my elbow, and nine on my toes.
Two on my wrist, and one on my ankle,
One on my chin, and one on my thigh,
Four on my belly, and five on my bottom,
One on my forehead, and one on my eye.
One on my neck, and in case I might need em
I have a box of thirty-five more.
But oh, I do think it's sort of a pity
I don't have a cut or a sore!

This says it all and it is so true! Many times we've had a Band-Aid on several fingers, toes, shoulders, wrists and all at the same time! We have to hide the Band-Aids around here, as many of you know. Jerry and I are dilusional if we really think Lindsay believes we have no Band-Aids on supply for her. As it has become a "fix all" for times when we don't know how to fix the situation and miraculously, we will say, "I will go and see if we can find a Band-Aid" and wall-laaa, everything seems to be better. She knows we have a stash and is totally playing us!

In the end, regardless of whether she has a cut or sore, they bring her comfort. They also seem to help us solve an issue that we can't understand or that she can't express. As the slogan on the Band-Aid box claims,
"You're going to be just fine!"

If you see a sale on Band-Aids, let me know!

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