In thinking of this day, I reflected back on my previous blog posts. I was reminded of all the lessons she has taught us and continues to teach. Today I want to reflect and honor her with the gifts she has given us, to all of us!
We are grateful for these little lessons she brings:
- Don't be quick to judge. Things are not always what they seem
- Waking up daily with a smile on your face makes your day brighter from the start. You always have control over your mind. You can choose to be happy or a grouch. Smiling always win.
- Although she was "Yet without a word" for a long time, her "Lindsay language" touches others and we love hearing people using "Lindsay language". She connects us to others with her language.
- She is a great social director and at any event, we meet people we would not otherwise. She treats everyone in the room the same and thinks everyone should talk to everyone else. No clicks, no judgements, no assumptions. Everyone meet "my mom, my dad".
- Because of her special needs we have special angels in our lives, who take care of her like their own and we are so blessed!
- She loves her "Bobby", aka brother, Taylor so much and he loves her. She calls him daily on her old flip phone to check in and we are reminded that if you think of someone, just pick the phone up and call to say hi! He calls her, and her every reply may be "um yeah" and that makes him smile. We are grateful for the connection they have.
- Don't hold grudges and forgive. That apologizing is ok, even if you think you are right. That saying sorry is better than losing a moment or a relationship to your ego.
- We have a great "post it note". Her memory is amazing. Tell her to remind you to do something and she won't quit until it is done. She doesn't let me procrastinate, which is a quality I have!
- That some people just don't get it but never give up either.
- She has taught to adapt to situations. We think we might have control but none of us do! We can let the little interruptions in our plans stress us out or go with the flow and know that things do always work out. Nothing is certain and find the blessing in the new plan.
- That there are treasures to be found in every situation, if we just learn how to slow down.
- She makes people feel special! You may not see Lindsay for awhile but when you do, she will remember you. She will give you a hug like it was yesterday. She teaches us that once you make a connection with someone, that connection is always there, no matter how small.
- We all need our comfort. Hers is in band-aids and she may need 10 fingers covered on some days and that is ok. Everyone is dealing with something and has a story.
- Lindsay loves her purses, papers, going to the story and knows we use money to pay for things. However, it's only money, don't get too attached to the almighty dollar, after all, it is only paper! :)
- You can always find a common ground with someone, even in hard situations
- She teaches tolerance. Just so tolerant. Someone else may have it worse.
So on this day, September 11th, we honor the lives that were lost in the tragedy of 9-11 and we celebrate Lindsay too! "She lights up a room with her smile, she brings sunshine to cloudy days and she spreads joy wherever she goes". Thank you for the lessons, the love and the precious moments we have with you! We love you, our Lindsay Rae! Thank you for teaching us to enjoy the little things, to be patient, loving and kind.
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