While in child pose at yoga this morning, I had an epiphany! While I was supposed to be concentrating on my breathing and setting my intention, I was thinking about my day yesterday and how I was struggling internally with some situations, relationships, making assumptions, wondering why when you try and try, why some things just aren't easy as they should be.
I realized as I started my breathing that I allowed my thoughts to transfer onto Lindsay yesterday. I got upset that she found my new hiding place for gum, that she had 15 purses on her bed. Yes, really 15! And they were full of papers, packed to the brim. I got irritated that she lost her ring while at her day program and that she wanted to "put-put" on band aids on her fingers, when she already had them on three of her fingers already. By the end of the day, I was grumpy, short tempered and cried, not knowing why I was acting this way.
What I realized is that I transferred my stress, my frustrations onto my sweet daughter, when it had nothing to do with her. Yes, I wish things could be easier but it is what it is and on a daily basis, these things are what we live. They actually make me laugh most days and help me realize, that those little things really don't matter much. Why is it that we often treat those we love in a wrong way because of something that is totally unrelated? We transfer our frustrations onto them when it is really about something else. I let those thoughts and frustrations about other things take control, which controlled how I acted.
Thanks for sharing in my self-therapy session. I try to be positive most of the time with my posts but wanted to share my feelings because we all have times when we appear to be upset about something, when in fact, if we stop and breathe, it is really about something else we just haven't "opened the door" to.
Thank God for Jerry, who has patience when I don't, who knows to take over when I can't, who knows me better than I know myself sometimes. Thank God for Lindsay, who teaches me literally daily, whose sweet and kind nature gives me a hug when I need it the most, who inside might me calling me a "focker" but loves me just the same.
Oh, and thank God for Child Pose!
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